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Air Handling Unit

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Air Handling Units: The Ultimate Flexibility for HVAC Systems

Air handling units (AHUs) are the unsung heroes of HVAC systems, quietly working behind the scenes to deliver comfortable, healthy indoor environments for your shopping malls, hospitals, hotels, offices, schools, and more. As an air handling unit manufacturing plant, we understand the critical role these units play and build AHUs designed for optimal performance, efficiency, and flexibility. Ordering directly from the manufacturer guarantees the highest quality product, tailored to your exact specifications, with expert support throughout the process.

Advantages of Air Handling Units: More Than Just Moving Air

Air handlers are more than just fans in a box; they are sophisticated systems that condition and distribute air throughout your building. The advantages of incorporating an AHU into your HVAC system are numerous:

  • Improved Indoor Air Quality: AHUs can incorporate high-efficiency air filters to remove dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants, crucial for hospitals, schools, and other sensitive environments. This improves indoor air quality and contributes to a healthier indoor environment by ensuring the proper circulation of outdoor air.
  • Precise temperature and humidity control is essential for maintaining optimal air temperature and comfort levels. With precise controls and multiple air streams, AHUs can deliver consistent temperature and humidity levels throughout a building, ensuring optimal comfort.
  • Energy Efficiency: Modern AHUs often utilize variable-speed blowers and energy recovery systems, minimizing energy consumption and reducing operational costs. Explore our HVAC koelmachines for even greater energy savings.

Our air handlers are designed for a wide range of applications, from small office buildings to large commercial spaces, offering the ultimate flexibility to meet your specific HVAC needs with effective outside air integration.

Core Components of an Air Handling Unit: Inside the Box

Understanding the core components of an air handler helps you appreciate its versatility and importance within your HVAC system. A typical AHU comprises:

  • Supply Air Fan/Blower: Essential components in air handler units for effective air distribution. This powerful fan propels the conditioned air through the ductwork and into the occupied spaces. We offer a range of blower options, including high-efficiency variable-speed models for optimal air flow and energy savings.
  • Cooling Coil/Heating Coil: These coils, connected to your chiller or Koeltoren, either cool the refrigerant (in cooling mode) or heat the refrigerant (in heating mode). The air passing over these coils is conditioned to the desired temperature. Explore our Glycol koelmachines for specialized cooling applications.
  • Air Filter: Essential for maintaining indoor air quality, these filters remove particulate matter from the air before it is circulated. We offer various filter options to meet specific filtration requirements.

Our AHUs are built with high-quality components and advanced technology to ensure reliable performance, efficient operation, and long-term durability.

Air Handler Configurations and Customization: Meeting Your Needs

Air handlers are highly customizable to meet the unique demands of various applications. Some key configuration options include:

  • Draw-Through vs. Blow-Through: These configurations determine the placement of the fan relative to the coils, each offering different advantages in terms of airflow and maintenance access.
  • Single-Zone vs. Multi-Zone: Understanding the differences can help you choose the right air conditioning system for your needs. Single-zone AHUs condition air for a single area, while multi-zone units can independently control temperature and airflow for multiple zones within a building. Our Luchtgekoelde Scroll Water Chiller en Water Cooled Screw Water Chiller offer versatile cooling solutions for various zones.
  • Direct Expansion (DX) vs. air handler units: A comparison of efficiency and performance in cooling systems. Chilled Water: A crucial element for efficient heat exchangers in air conditioning systems. DX systems use refrigerant directly within the air handler, while chilled water systems rely on a separate chiller to cool the water that circulates through the AHU’s cooling coil. Learn more about our chiller solutions, including Watergekoelde schroefcentrales, to complement your AHU.

Example Table: AHU Specifications

FeatureSpecification 1: Key details for selecting the right outdoor unit for your air conditioning needs.Specification 2
Airflow (CFM)10005000
Koelvermogen2 tons10 tons of cooling capacity can be achieved with our advanced air conditioning systems.
Power (kW)2.512.5

Analytical Chart (Illustrative): Energy Efficiency Comparison

(Insert a simple bar chart comparing the energy efficiency of different AHU models.)

“We chose these AHUs for our new hospital because of their superior air filtration capabilities and precise temperature control. The quiet operation is also a major plus for patient comfort.” Head of Facilities, City Hospital

By understanding the key features and configurations of air handling units, you can make an informed decision and select the ideal system for your needs. Neem contact met ons op today to discuss your project requirements and let us help you design the perfect air handling solution.


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Water Chiller zijn als volgt:

  • Ontwerp een goed gecontroleerde beoordelingsroutine voor uw koelmachine om de prestaties na verloop van tijd nauwkeurig te controleren.
  • Blijf de spoelen en pijpleidingen controleren op ophoping van stof, calcium- of magnesiumionen of puin om dit tijdig te verwijderen en te voorkomen dat er een verstopping ontstaat.
  • Houd de koudemiddelvulling altijd op peil en laat deze niet zakken, omdat dit de prestaties met 5-10% verlaagt.
  • Routinematig onderhoud om condenserspoelen te onderzoeken op verstopte en vrije luchtgedeelten.
  • Houd eventuele schadelijke middelen in de gaten en als je schade vindt, laat deze dan zo snel mogelijk repareren, zodat er geen langdurige gevolgen zijn.
  • Zorg voor een goede watervoorziening en gebruik bij voorkeur gekoeld water.